+47 402 995 93 info@ascentdescent.com

Lyngen glaciers with Ascent Descent “The Lyngen Mountain Guides”

The Lyngen alps has always been known as a premier spot for ski mountaineering and ski touring but more people find their way to our fantastic mountain range in summer as well. Glacier excursions, trekking and mountaineering is great when visiting Tromsø and The Lyngen alps in the summer. We customize day tours and multiple day excursion for private groups and individuals all summer. Here´s some pictures from our last glacier tour.

After a scenic boat trip along the eastern shores of the Lyngen alps we arrive to the Strupbreen Glacier. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

The hiking to the glaciers is often a bit rough so it´s good to be in shape for a day out on this activity. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

The hiking is often worth the trip in it self with beautiful scenery in a remote setting. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

AscentDescent Ski Lodge end of ski season

May have been a great month in The Lyngen alps with fantastic skiing and this weekend we closed the ski season in Nord Lenangen. A very busy season and a lot of mixed conditions rounded of with a few days of skiing with friends, guides and groups. We went all out with boat rides, late nights and good times with a great crew from Gothenburg. Even having a few friends invited for the jacuzzi and dinner made this night feel special. Now it´s time for some more work in the wild mountains of  The Lyngen peninsula and we´re going camping. Thank´s for a great season everyone and a special thank´s to the family of Eikrem who have supported me and AscentDescent for 8 years now. Together we have created a cutting edge ski concept in the Lyngen alps that will last for years to come. Also a big hug to the guides who´ve been delivering safe and fun tours to our clients from all over the world. 7 Blåner and Dynafit have been supporting with outstanding equipment, clothing and world class service throughout the season and deserves a big hug for that!  Cheers/Jimmy Halvardsson

Big dinner with the group on last night together. Pete Gaston, Dave Rosenbarger and Rosanna joining for the  season finish at the Ascent Descent ski lodge. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Big dinner with the group on last night together. Pete Gaston, Dave Rosenbarger and Rosanna joining for the season finish at the Ascent Descent ski lodge. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Getting back to Nord Lenangen after a tour to Vannøya with the group on our first day together. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Getting back to Nord Lenangen after a tour to Vannøya with the group on our first day together. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Skiing the Store Durmålstinden 1440 with fellow guides Graham Austick and Mikal Nerberg. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Skiing the Store Durmålstinden 1440 with fellow guides Graham Austick and Mikal Nerberg. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Skiing the Tverrbakktinden 1392 a few days ago with my friend Patrik Jonsson. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Skiing the Tverrbakktinden 1392 a few days ago with my friend Patrik Jonsson. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

End of Lyngen season

Doing this winters last guiding day yesterday with six norwegian skiers from the Oslo area. We had skied the previous 3 days in Lyngen and now it was time to visit Ulstinden on the Tromso mainland. Great peak, with a nice view over Lyngen. A bit windy yesterday but with clear sky and good snow cover. The snow was sticking pretty bad to the skis on the way down but not slowing us down to much ; ) Now it’s time to move south for a little vacation. Starting the summer season on the 20th of june. Gonna keep updating about climbs etc meanwile. Enjoy summer!

Anne-Kristine, Geir, Lis, Rickard and Kirsten checking out the water view on ulstinden..

Endre as well..
Endre and Lis, packing up on the windy summit.

Ski The Lyngen alps in Norway

After three weeks of touring here in the lyngen alps the really good conditions finally arrived. Last week the “Willis bunch” from scotland got some mixed weather with some nice days in between the snow and rain showers. This week, with the swedish “friluftsfrämjandet”, have been blessed with some of the best snow I’ve skied and clear blue skies. Yesterday we did one of my absolute favourite tours out here in Nord-Lenangen. Ruossavarri 816m at the tip of the lyngen peninsula held some great powder slopes with views from another world. Arrived by boat from the east side we made a traverse of the peninsula and skied great powder. Two days ago we skied the ultra classics Storgalten 1219m and lille galten 836m in epic powder..
Welcome to our base in Nord Lenangen, one of the top locations in the Lyngen alps!

Niklas and Uffe on the Norther tip of Lyngen, just breathing is enough some times..

Powder all the way to the summit.
Skiing the slopes with full value in every turn.
Joakim in front while the group is touring up from the little bay and beach in purkevika.