+47 402 995 93 info@ascentdescent.com

Lyngen spring season

It´s mid May and finally the spring has arrived with warmer temperatures and midnight sun just around the corner. The Lyngen alps has bees fantastic lately with a few weeks of perfect weather, powder and great snow coverage down to the shores. For many this is the best time of the year and at the moment we experience the first heavy transformation in the snow pack and it will soon be perfect spring snow lasting well in to June this year. Here is some pictures from one of our days last week!

Great day out in the backyard! Photo: jimmy Halvardsson

Fantastic snow, cold temperatures and long days in the Lyngen alps last week. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Obligatory sea view. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Last sunny slopes back to the shore had great spring snow conditions at the end. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Lyngen prime time and meeting guide colleagues from far away is always fun! Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Still winter in the Lyngen alps

With resent cold temperatures and fairly stable snow pack for the time being we´ve had the opportunity to explore some of The Lyngen alps more adventurous runs and mountains. It´s also nice when we have groups coming back to explore the region with us and increasing the level as the years go by. Often starting out with easy ski touring classics in the area developing good mountain sense and moving into steeper terrain when knowledge, comfort level and conditions match. 

Still winter here and we are looking into spring season starting as the sun is getting warmer. We still have available weeks and weekends after the 7th of May for skiers interested in the spring skiing period. Good snow pack this year means long season:) Last ski weekend 18-21 of May at AD ski lodge for 2017. 

climbing the top couloir of Store Jægervasstinden. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

climbing the top couloir of Store Jægervasstinden. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

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A good forecast but clouds rolled in. Bad visibility and winds made us turn around just before the summit this day. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Jægervasstind (3 of 3)

“Nisse” skiing the top couloir. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Ski season in the Lyngen alps closing in

The Lyngen alps in the back when ski touring on the classic Trolltinden at Arnøya. All groups get a day with our boat accessed ski touring included in our Lyngen ski weeks.

The Lyngen alps in the back when ski touring on the classic Trolltinden at Arnøya. All groups get a day with our boat accessed ski touring included in our Lyngen ski weeks.

Our ski weeks for the 2017 season in the Lyngen alps is filling up with ski groups and it looks like winter has arrived at last. Long autumn with no snow is suddenly changing into winter for Christmas. See you in 2017!

A new season coming up in The Lyngen alps

First snow has arrived and as many times before it´s reminding us of the coming ski season in The Lyngen Alps. Autumn colors is also starting to show in the mountains and with the summits shining with fresh snow it´s hard to not be amazed by the fall here. Sometimes the ski season starts already in october but it all gets a little bit more predictable after christmas. Starting of in January with day tours ski touring and some travel abroad our peak season starts in late february. Get a group together and join us for the 2017 season in the Lyngen alps. Send a request from the contact page or give us a call.

We put one day with the boat in the package for each group to enjoy the fantastic skiing on the islands, scenery and if the sea is calm we might stop and try to catch some cod.

We put one day with the boat in the package for each group to enjoy the fantastic skiing on the islands, scenery and if the sea is calm we might stop and try to catch some cod.

Storgalten is a great calssic in the Lyngen alps and we are happy to such a great mountain just outside the doorstep. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Storgalten is a great calssic in the Lyngen alps and we are happy to have such a great mountain just outside the doorstep. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson



Change of seasons

Record warm May in The Lyngen alps and warm temperatures up high. We are used to rapid changes in weather and warm spells even during winter here but this one is really persistent. Good thing is that our snowpack seems to deal with it pretty well and carrying skis on the backpack to access snow is common this time of the year any season. We´re hoping for some clear nights soon to stabilize snow a bit and for some good final runs of the season with the last groups coming to the Ascent Descent Ski Lodge in Nord-Lenangen.

Lyngen backdrop from the east and view from one of our boat tours last week. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Lyngen backdrop from the east and view from one of our boat tours last week. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson


Skiing couloirs this time of the year is great since they fill up with a lot of snow during winter. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson


Getting back from a boat trip to the harbor in Nord-Lenangen in the Northern Lyngen alps. Photo: jimmy Halvardsson

Spring in The Lyngen Alps

Warmer temperatures is just around the corner and the forecast looks good for those who like sunny days in the mountains. The spring in the lyngen alps often means spring skiing in the lower regions and powder up high in northern aspects. So, it looks good for groups coming skiing with us in May and there is a few weeks open still for groups to come skiing with us…

Last groups ski weekend at the Ascent Descent ski lodge. Boat tour to Trolltinden last friday.

Last groups ski weekend at the Ascent Descent ski lodge. Boat tour to Trolltinden last friday. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

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Last day before leaving and great snow on home mountain Lille Galten. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

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Great snow in western aspects and not that much traffic recently so we had the whole thing for our selves basically. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson