May have been a great month in The Lyngen alps with fantastic skiing and this weekend we closed the ski season in Nord Lenangen. A very busy season and a lot of mixed conditions rounded of with a few days of skiing with friends, guides and groups. We went all out with boat rides, late nights and good times with a great crew from Gothenburg. Even having a few friends invited for the jacuzzi and dinner made this night feel special. Now it´s time for some more work in the wild mountains of The Lyngen peninsula and we´re going camping. Thank´s for a great season everyone and a special thank´s to the family of Eikrem who have supported me and AscentDescent for 8 years now. Together we have created a cutting edge ski concept in the Lyngen alps that will last for years to come. Also a big hug to the guides who´ve been delivering safe and fun tours to our clients from all over the world. 7 Blåner and Dynafit have been supporting with outstanding equipment, clothing and world class service throughout the season and deserves a big hug for that! Cheers/Jimmy Halvardsson

Big dinner with the group on last night together. Pete Gaston, Dave Rosenbarger and Rosanna joining for the season finish at the Ascent Descent ski lodge. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Getting back to Nord Lenangen after a tour to Vannøya with the group on our first day together. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson