+47 402 995 93 info@ascentdescent.com

We are well into our 13th winter season in the lyngen alps and recent snow activity looks very promising for the coming week. Having multiple groups out skiing in on this magic peninsula every day always makes us slow on web updates at times but we do our best. Our instagram account ascentdescent_lyngen is always running a bit faster… We still have an opening for groups in the first week of May this year which is one of the best times to be up here. Also soon our summer program will be launched with summer tours to Jiehkkevarri (our highest summit) and glacier walking / boat tour combos and more. Stay tuned! (here is some pictures from 3 days ago on Arnøya)

Martino Bedont from Freeride house in Cortina drops his jaw as skies clear and the sea view below in the evening sun pops out. Here skiing back down to the boat on the magic Trolltinden on Arnøya 3 days ago. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Store Kågtinden is one of our favourite “boat peaks” and often comes in condition later in the spring. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

As we go back to the Lyngen alps the last houses of Akkarvik on Arnøya is giving a great perspective on how people still live in Northern Norway along the coast. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson