+47 402 995 93 info@ascentdescent.com

Relaxing in Chamonix after a week of guiding around Chamonix and Monterosa. This time the plan was to spend a week together with the client, climbing fine alpine routes and ticking of a few 4000 ers. A good mix if you ask me since there is so much to choose from around here. Starting off with classics like Cosmiques Arete and classic rock in the Aguilles Rouges. Also managing five 4000 meter summits in a day in the Monterosa region. Back in Chamonix we finished off with a long easy climb in the Brevent area.

Even though it’s been some good times in the alps Im looking forward to my trip back home on Sunday !

Alpine climbing with AscentDescent

Wonderful start of the day going above the clouds in the morning, going towards Signalkuppe 4554m. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Alpine climbing with AscentDescent

Jan on the summit of L’Index in Aiguilles Rouges, Chamonix. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson