+47 402 995 93 info@ascentdescent.com

Opening week here in the Lyngen alps and AscentDescent Ski Lodge Lyngen. A lot of good skiing but also mixed weather. Early in the week we had some calm days but this weekend the wind has started to pick up. We have three months of ski guiding in the Lyngen alps in front of us and the groups, guides and staff are ready to welcome our guests. Best Regards / Jimmy Halvardsson

Cold and clear morning in the Lyngen alps. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Cold and clear morning in the Lyngen alps. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Ski Mountaineering on the schedule today. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

The Lyngen alps summits

The summit of Kvasstind in the Lyngen alps is one of our neighbouring peaks here at Ascent Descent Ski Lodge. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson