The Lyngen alps never stop to amaze and this year we got totally surprised by the super ending of the season. Warm season and not that much snow in general but in some strange way it just kept on delivering great skiing and often very stable conditions and weather. As usual we kept it running all the way to the end of May and the last weekend of may is starting to be one of the AscentDescent highlights.
People often asks when to come and every time it´s really hard to answer since every month of the ski season has it´s own charm and tweak. Next year we start booking ski weeks from the 18th of February running to season wrap up 25-28 May. Coming earlier to enjoy Northern Lights and ski touring seems to be a trend also as a combo trip. Please send an e-mail from the contact page to book a ski week for 2017.
Tip: In the summer we guide climbing and alpine trekking tours in the region of Tromsø and Lyngen.
Best regards
Jimmy Halvardsson / IFMGA Mountain guide at AscentDescent “The Lyngen Mountain Guides”

Beach approach to one of the greatest mountains in the region. Our boat is actually bringing some extra advantage on the table reaching hard to reach terrain and extra ordinary experiences on skis. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Summer skiing comes to it´s right in the end of the season here and this shot is also from one of our ski by boat tours in the region. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson