+47 402 995 93 info@ascentdescent.com

Ski touring in Tromsø

The ski touring season has started for real in Tromsø and The Lyngen alps and today I went out with friends enjoying the fantastic early winter pow. Our avalanche courses has started and the lectures we´ve had this fall has been well visited. It looks great for the season 13/14 and for booking and requesting ski touring and courses all you need to do is to send an email from this form.

Skiing in the forest near Tromsø today

Great skiing in the forest today.

Espen putting his signature in the forest today. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Espen loves the trees!

It´s been snowing constantly for days lately and it looks good for the coming season!

Unfair amounts of snow early this year!

Happy days in Lyngen!

Just back after leaving Australian clients at the ferry after 5 days of skiiing together here in Lyngen. They where the third group of skiers visiting this year and it was fun to have people visiting even 34 hours flight time away! We’ve had a great mix of weather so far and that means rain, snow, sun, wind, warm and cold…

At the moment Andreas Fransson, Bjarne Sahlen and Morgan Sahlen (and more) is visiting in our camp in Nord-Lenangen (Northern Lyngen) and On saturday there is new people coming for skiing and we will get our touch of civilization picking them up!

Australians in Lyngen.

Katie and Andy from Australia on their first ski week ever! Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

Visiting Border John Minogue for the first time in Lyngen.

John Minogue from Chamonix in next years Cosmiques outfit from Tierra. Together with Bjarne Sahlen at Endlessflow we skied and filmed for a few days.

Storgalten Lyngen with AscentDescent

Erik from sweden skis some fantastic powder on Storgalten 31st March 2012. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson


2 great skidays and sore legs from h… Had a beautiful day yesterday, skiing Pas de chevre, Grand Envers and some variation on the east face of Brevent. Today we skied from col de Entreves straight down to Entreves glacier in excellent conditions. Great day finished of with Italian pasta on the Hellbronner mid station. Take care out there!

Ragnar using his poles well for resting after about 100 powder turns in a row…

Johan Wildhagen gets some turns on the Entreves glacier between filming and photographing.
Wolfie and Eva get’s romantic on the col the Entreves. With good reason!
Wolfgang Huber skinning under Tour Ronde.