Skittentind Rando/Downhill
For 4 years the first of may means a randonne comp on Kvaløya outside Tromsø. This year with a new downhill discipline. The randonne competition has grown over the years and this year 75 people in 25 teams started at 09.00. 1500 vertical metres and two peaks later they finished off the competition. 2.15 was the winning time. While the comp still was running me and 8 skiers for the downhill race started up the slopes, discussing the different tactics and safety along the way. The plan was to ski from the top rim of Skittentind and down to the little lake beside the goal area. When we stood at the top no one was aware of how fast this thing would go… all participants gave their maximum and put up a great show for all viewers. Thank you all for the speed and comittment to this thing. As the organizer of this thing I felt relieved that no one got injured and everybody skied with confidence and not taking unnescesary risks. Kristian kjerkreit finished the race in 3min and 34 seconds and will hold the official record until next year…