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28th of May and snowing here in Tromsø at the moment. We’ve had a heavy low pressure for some time now but last week we managed to ski in a nice two day window of warm temperatures and clear blue skies. The ski season is about to end here but naturally it slides perfectly into the climbing season. Just waiting for the sun to pop out of the heavy clouds.

The Lyngen alps provides some excellent summer skiing possibilities though so there will hopefully be a few visits to the higher ground in there soon..

Bjorndalstinden in Lyngen

Petra climbs along the ridge to the summit of Bjorndalstinden. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson

The Lyngen Alps

Great view from the summit looking south.

Spring skiing in Lyngen

We had really nice snow almost all the way back to the forest and days like this are always special out here. Photo: Jimmy Halvardsson